Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas poem

Christmas is when Jesus was born. 
Holidays is when everyone is happy.
Reindeers help Santa deliver the presents
In the northern hemisphere, Santa makes our presents Stars are across the sky like angels watching over us.
Trees decorated for Christmas.
Merrily everyone singing
Angles sing Christmas chorals along with everyone who is celebrating this holiday.
Santa is the jolly fat man who eats dessert before an actual meal. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

water density

Rainbow Water Density Tower

Aim - To observe how substances with different densities interact

Glasses - 1 per group
Food colouring (red, blue, green and yellow - you can make purple and orange by combining two colours)
Sugar or Salt (and measuring spoon)
Measuring cup - 1 per colour (you can have 6 colours to work with, or limit it to 4 colours)
Measuring syringes 
Water (warm water from a tap or kettle)
Plastic spoons to mix the sugar and food colouring in the water
Pots of water to rinse syringes between each colour
Plastic plates or trays to protect the table from sticky sugar water

The different densities did not mix because they are different layers. When we put different amounts of sugar in each cup the density changed and that's why the colours did not mix.

Look at the websites below and also do research of your own - Then write a paragraph explaining ‘the science’ behind the experiment.  Why do we see the results that we did?

Saveer & Arhans Result:

Rishi & Aaravs Result:

Ice fishing

Ice Fishing 

To see how salt can affect ice or react with ice

  • Small paper cups, bowl or an ice cube tray
  • Glass of water
  • String (yarn or kite string works great)
  • Small stick
  • Salt
  1. Fill the cup or tray up with water and place it in the freezer.  You can also use ice cubes from your freezer and skip this step.
  2. When the water is frozen, remove the ice from the cup or tray.
  3. Put the ice in the glass or bowl of water. The cube will bob up and down in the water and then float on the top.
  4. Place one end of the string from the fishing pole on top of the ice cube and sprinkle salt on the ice where the string is touching. Watch as the water melts slightly and refreezes.
  5. After about 10 seconds, carefully lift the ice cube out of the water with the fishing pole. You caught a fish (ice)!
My results:
Salt - The string stuck really well to the ice and pulled the ice cubes up out of the water
Sugar - The string didn’t stick to the ice cubes and none of them was pulled up out of the water.  Some people started to see the ice cubes stick - but it then failed after that.
Flour - THe ice didn’t stick to the string at all 
Pepper - The ice didn’t stick to the string at all 
More salt than normal - The ice still got picked up by the string

Changing the variables
Don’t wet the string beforehand 
Use only a little salt
Using lots of salt 
Try to catch the ice using sugar instead of salt 
Try to catch the ice using pepper instead of salt
Try to catch the ice using flour instead of salt
Change the time period that you wait before trying to pick up the string.
10 seconds.

Explanation - Why does it work?
When the salt touches the ice it lowers the freezing point making it melt and refreeze, which makes it stick to the fishing rod. 


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fresh water biomes

Fresh water water experiment

Water Filter Experiment 

Aim/ Purpose - 
To filter or clean water using a number of materials 
How to clean/filter water - making it clean

Materials -
activated charcoal, 
cotton wool, 
plastic bottles cut in half,
bucket of dirty water (can make the water dirty with soil or whatever from outside)

Predictions - What is going to work best?  What steps/process and in what order - why?

2nd layer up - gravel - The gravel will grab onto the dirty parts and the clean water will drip off the gravel through the gaps.
Second Layer Up  - Charcoal - Second smallest material, can absorb the things not cleared by the bigger materials.
Third Layer Up - Sand - Turns hard when it’s wet - Take all the bigger dirt particles 
Top layer - Gravel - All the hugest dirt particles out first.  

  1.  First, you put 3 cotton balls ate the bottom.
  2. Next, you sprinkle activated charcoal.
  3. After we put 1 ½ spoon of sand on the charcoal.
  4. Fourthly we added 3 big gravel rocks.
  5. Finally, you pour the dirty water in the bottle and wallah fresh water. 

Explanation - How did it work?
When you pour the dirty water into the bottle it will gradually go down to the charcoal and from there the Charcoal takes away all the bacteria and that’s why it ends up clean.

Why is it important for cities/towns etc to purify and clean the water before it gets to peoples’ homes?
So then people don’t get sick and their health won't be sick.